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Spiraea japonica Nana, 2ltr pot

£ 4.50

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It has small, green leaves that turn into a beautiful orange-yellow or red color in autumn. The inflorescences are composed of small pink flowers. It blooms profusely from June to July. It grows slowly, reaching a height of 20-50 cm. Japanese meadowsweet Nana it is an undemanding plant that is resistant to frost, drought and air pollution. It can be planted on any soil, in sunny or shady places, but it will flower most profusely in sunny positions. It does not require any special care and is very easy to grow. The use of Japanese meadowsweet Nana is very diverse. It can be planted on moors, in cities, gardens and parks. It looks good in pots, rebates and rock gardens. Due to its size, it is also great for smaller gardens.

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
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