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Hydrangea Limelight, 3ltr pot

£ 19.00

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Hydrangea Limelight it has a quite spreading habit, which is why it looks equally beautiful planted singly as well as in groups. It has stiff, erect, dark brown shoots that add attractiveness to the plant. Their durability means that they do not fall under the weight of the magnificent, 30-centimeter inflorescences, and they are also resistant to weather breakdowns. Wide, ovoid, dark green leaves densely cover the stems, and their dark color contrasts well with the inflorescences. The flowers are small, form slightly conical, flattened panicles, blooming profusely. Initially, they are lime-colored, at the end of flowering they change their color to creamy white, later slightly pink.Limelight hydrangea blooms in August and delights until October. Suitable for cut flower, you can also create dry bouquets from it. It is a beautiful decoration of any garden.

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
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