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Gooseberry Red, Ribes Uva-Crispa, 2ltr pot

£ 4.65

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Gooseberry is low-growing, spherical shrub, erect shoots have thorns, which make manual harvesting of fruits difficult. Lobed leaves with a corrugated edge. It enjoys quite good disease and frost resistance. Gooseberry produces very tasty, medium-sized, red and spherical fruits that ripen in early July. It bears fruit every year, very abundantly. Juicy, sweet and sour flesh. Gooseberries grow best on fertile, humus, medium-humid, slightly acidic soils. It is worth remembering about regular fertilization, thanks to which the bush will be more abundant in fruit. The best place to plant are sunny or slightly shaded positions, because the fruit will ripen better and faster. During a prolonged drought, it is necessary to remember about watering. Mainly recommended for planting in gardens and allotments, preferably among other shrubs of similar size. Gooseberries are best planted in fall or spring.

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
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