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Spiraea japonica (Little princes)

£ 4.50

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A variety of Japanese meadowsweet, which is distinguished by its low growth and attractive habit. The plant reaches no more than 0.6 meters in height and the same in width. It naturally presents a dense, compact and hemispherical habit, therefore it does not require pruning. Its shoots are strong and highly branched. Japanese meadowsweet Little Princess has numerous, decorative leaves. They are elliptical, serrated at the edge and pointed. They have an intense green color that turns yellow-orange in autumn. The plant blooms in June with small, pale pink flowers. They gather at the ends of the shoots into flat inflorescences that decorate the bush until August. Japanese meadowsweet Little Princess likes sunny places, which make the plant bloom more profusely. It is very tolerant of the substrate and environmental conditions. Prefers fertile, well-drained and moderately moist. It will also be well accepted on other substrates, as long as they are not heavy and waterlogged. The shrub can be planted on low hedges, for flower beds, and even as a groundcover.

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
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