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Sorbaria Sorbifolia, 5ltr pot

£ 10.30

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A unique, decorative deciduous shrub whose leaves change their color. The plant is quite low, about a meter tall. Its shape is compact, and the shoots are stiff and erect. They leaves are feathery, composed of several smaller, lanceolate and serrated leaves. They appear on the plant in early spring, and their color is initially orange-pink. Later, their color becomes yellow-green, and in autumn intense yellow. In June, the plant blooms with white, small flowers that gather in dense and impressive bunches. They make the plant more attractive until the last days of July. Sorbifolia is a extremely decorative and easy to grow shrub. In addition to its decorative qualities, the plant also perfectly absorbs air pollution. It can be planted in sunny or shady areas, and it does well in any type of soil. The deciduous shrub perfectly decorates urban spaces and gardens.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
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