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Berberis Thumbergii, Ruby Star, 2ltr pot

£ 7.25

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Berberis thunbergii Ruby Star is a charming miniature shrub, characterized by a spherical habit and scarlet leaves.
It belongs to slow-growing plants, and the diameter after several years of cultivation reaches only thirty centimeters, but therefore the shrub can be used as a subtle decorative element on flowerbeds, escarpments and rockeries. Due to its size, it can also be grown in pots to decorate balconies and terraces. Its leaves are spatulate and oval in shape, and their intense red color is emphasized by a golden border on the edges of the leaves. Ruby Star likes sunny and semi-shaded positions, as well as humus and moderately moist soils. Small yellow flowers appear on it in the spring, and red berries appear at the turn of August and September.

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
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