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Acer Palmatum Emerald Lace, 5ltr pot

£ 13.80

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The Emerald Lace Acer is a small tree, reaching about 3 meters in height.
The variety grows quite quickly and is usually erect, and slightly less often has a hanging character. It has green lobed leaves that look jagged, turning to various shades of red and orange in the fall. The Emerald Lace Acer needs fresh, fertile soil with a constant level of moderate moisture, while the reaction of the substrate should be slightly acidic. Their natural environment is damp and slightly humid air. The position should not be exposed to the wind, but with access to the sun. Varieties of the tree, whose leaves change color, should be planted in places where the sun reaches, while semi-shaded places are enough for green varieties.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
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